
2022 Happy Pocket Full Of Money – Wealth Conscious

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A Happy Pocket Full of Money is your Quantum Leap into the Understanding, Having and Enjoying of Immense Wealth and Happiness

Your conscious guide to Wealth Consciousness!

Experience infinite wealth, abundance and happiness Here, Now, in the New Golden Age of Humanity. Everything you need to be extremely wealthy and happy is inside of you, and nothing outside of you can stop you.

The first step in having wealth is to know what it is. And few people know what it really is, in and of itself.

What causes wealth? What causes the cause of it? We’ll start with money, the world’s symbol of wealth, and then move deeper.

Here’s the first clue covered inside; Money. Is. Not. Real..!

“I continue to read HPFM over and over and each time my understanding on the Law of Attraction becomes deeper and I get better at embodying this information.”

Founder of Wealth Conscious Movement for Entrepreneurs

“A Happy Pocket Full Of Money is a terrific resource on becoming Wealth and Joy, easily and quickly.”

Star of ‘The Secret’ – Author, Attract Money Now

A Happy Pocket Full of Money, first self-published in 2001, and so impressed creator of The Secret, Rhonda Byrne, that she asked author David Gikandi to be a consultant on the production of the movie. The Secret is a worldwide phenomenon that continues to change the lives of millions around the world!

If you’ve seen or read The Secret and were impacted by it, then your knowledge of the Law of Attraction and manifesting was most certainly influenced by the genius of the author of the amazing book you’re about to discover..

If there was ever an equivalent to The Secret, one that focuses only on teaching you how to re-code and transform your consciousness to attract life-changing, soul-freeing financial wealth, rightfully and permanently, A Happy Pocket Full of Money is it!

Your Quantum Leap Into the Understanding, Having, and Enjoying of Immense Wealth and Happiness

“If you liked The Secret you will LOVE this resource. I highly recommend it..”

“A Happy Pocket Full Of Money is going to rock your world. Have fun!”

A Happy Pocket Full of Money teaches you how to use an internal mantra to build lasting wealth consciousness.

Get ready to learn how to finally understand the value within yourself and within others that creates true permanent wealth.

A wealth that flows out of developing wealth consciousness, incorporates gratitude, and finally reveals to you where the abundance that you’ve been seeking has always been.

You’ll also understand what recent discoveries in theoretical physics are essential fort your holistic creation of wealth and how to implement them to create immense financial abundance, and never lack for wealth again!


A Happy Pocket Full of Money, first self-published in 2001, and so impressed creator of The Secret, Rhonda Byrne, that she asked author David Gikandi to be a consultant on the production of the movie. The Secret is a worldwide phenomenon that continues to change the lives of millions around the world!

If you’ve seen or read The Secret and were impacted by it, then your knowledge of the Law of Attraction and manifesting was most certainly influenced by the genius of the author of the amazing book you’re about to discover..

If there was ever an equivalent to The Secret, one that focuses only on teaching you how to re-code and transform your consciousness to attract life-changing, soul-freeing financial wealth, rightfully and permanently, A Happy Pocket Full of Money is it!

Your Quantum Leap Into the Understanding, Having, and Enjoying of Immense Wealth and Happiness

Click here to get Happy Pocket FULL Of MONEY | Wealth Conscious at discounted price while it’s still available…


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