Navigating The Ketogenic Diet In 2021

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Dr. Jockers – Navigating The Ketogenic Diet

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Here’s What You’ll Find 

Inside The Program…
Navigate the Ketogenic Diet for Optimal Health
 ($47 Value)

This e-book covers all the details and challenges involved with the Ketogenic diet – so you can quickly turn your body into a lean, mean, fat burning machine, and help you break through obstacles you may have experienced with the ketogenic diet in the past.

✔️ 5 Ways To Measure Your Ketones
✔️ How To Follow a Ketogenic Diet
✔️ 6 Ways Keto Improves Brain Function
✔️ 10 Critical Keto Tips
✔️ How To Go Keto Without a Gallbladder
✔️ 12 Keto-Boosting Herbs & Supplements
✔️ 5 Reasons To Use MCT Oil for Keto
✔️ How to Prevent Keto Flu
✔️ And More…
The Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan
 ($47 Value)

This is a 30-day meal plan for getting and staying into ketosis. Unlike many of the “dirty keto” plans out there, my proprietary meal plan provides plenty of great tasting foods that are full of key phytonutrient anti-oxidants.

✔️ Intermittent Fasting: What It Is And Why You Should Do It
✔️ The Cyclic Ketogenic Approach
✔️ My Proprietary 30 Day “Keto Kickstart” Meal Plan
✔️ Helpful Tips For Saving Time & Money and ✔️ Maximizing Success On The Ketogenic Diet
✔️ And More…
The Ketogenic Diet Recipe Book
 ($27 Value)

This book contains 80 great low-carb, nutrient dense recipes designed to load your body with optimal nutrition. This includes green juices, anti-inflammatory drinks, smoothies, snacks, main courses and incredible desserts. You’re guaranteed to love the recipes you find in this book.

✔️ 80+ DELICIOUS Keto Recipes
✔️ Super Smoothies
✔️ Anti-Oxidant Drinks & Juices
✔️ Snacks & Side Dishes
✔️ Main Entree’s
✔️ Sugar-Free Keto Desserts
✔️ And More…
The Keto Quickstart Guide
 ($17 Value)

This guide is designed to give you a quick overview of the keto diet and actionable steps to take so you can get started immediately.

✔️ Biggest Challenges With Keto-Adaptation
✔️ “Keto Flu” And How To Prevent It
✔️ Top 5 Mistakes Made On The Keto
✔️ Carb Phasing For Keto Adaptation
✔️ Best Foods To Eat On Keto
✔️ A Guide To “Fat Fasting”
✔️ “Feast & Famine” Diet Variation
✔️ My Personal Keto Protocol
✔️ And More…
Quickstart Nutrition Guide
 ($17 Value)

This invaluable resource is designed to help you understand the foundational principles of The Ketogenic Diet, and how to quickly apply them for results, all in a 2-page, digital document.

✔️ Do’s & Don’ts of Keto In 2 Pages
✔️ Complete List of “Green Light” Foods
✔️ Complete List of “Yellow Light” Foods
✔️ Complete List of “Red Light Foods”
✔️ Shopping List “Cheat Sheet”
✔️ And More…
Keto Quick Snack List
 ($17 Value)

This guide will provide a list of great alternatives for your favorite snacks that fit into the Ketogenic Nutritional Protocol. You’ll love the simple substitutions and ideas you get from this guide – and we’ve included direct links so you know exactly where you can purchase these items.

✔️ Keto Alternatives For Popular Snack Foods
✔️ Keto-Friendly Condiment Options
✔️ Keto-Friendly Beverages
✔️ Keto-Friendly Desserts
✔️ Keto-Friendly Snack Bars
✔️ And More…
The Guide to a Healthy Gallbladder
 ($17 Value)

This eBook will show you why poor gallbladder function and sluggish bile flow may be the major cause of a number of your health problems. You will also learn how to optimize your bile flow and improve the health of your liver and gallbladder so you can reduce your microbial load, improve your digestion and nutrient absorption and live life with more energy and vitality.

✔️ The 4 Major Functions of Bile
✔️ 22 Symptoms of GallBladder Disease
✔️ Components of Bile
✔️ The Development of GallStones
✔️ 25 Ways to Improve GallBladder Health
✔️ Flushing Out GallStones
✔️ The GallBladder Function Quiz
✔️ And More…
Fat Burning Foods Guide
 ($27 Value)

These are my 10 favorite ketogenic foods that I use with clients all the time to help them burn fat, build muscle and slow down the aging process. In this guide, I show you the best sources for these and how to use them on a daily basis. Pick out your favorites and use them regularly.

✔️ Discover My Top 10 Favorite Fat Burning Foods
✔️ Why They’re Super-Foods
✔️ Where To Get Them
✔️ Best Ways To Buy Them
✔️ How To Use Them
✔️ And More…
Top 10 Biggest Keto Mistakes
 ($17 Value)

This short PDF goes into detail on the top 10 biggest mistakes people make on Keto that cost them time, money, energy and results.

✔️ Discover the Top 10 Biggest Mistakes People Make On Keto
✔️ How to Save Time, Money, and Energy on Keto
✔️ How To Ensure You Get RESULTS With Keto
✔️ And More…
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